Google To Ban Cryptocurrencies and Related Content Ads in June

Google is taking an aggressive stance regarding advertisements of cryptiocurrencies and other related content, a move apparently as a direct result of concerns regarding ICOs and the scams surrounding some of them. The company has announced that it is going to ban crypto-related ads on their platform, so crypto advertisers will have to find other ways to promote their content starting June when Google will not be an option anymore. The updated financial services policy for ads on Google’s platforms is not going to affect only crypto currencies, but other financial products as well.
Back in January Facebook announced it will ban advertisements promoting cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings due to concerns of misleading and deceptive ads being shown on their plaforms that could lead users to scams. Facebook’s ban also covered other financial products and services and not only crypto currencies and although it has been in effect for a while one could still see some crypto-related ads on Facebook.
The good news is that there are already some platforms available and others are popping up that are targeting the crypto currency advertisement space. Unfortunately these platforms also do have the same issue that Google and Facebook are facing – concerns that some of the advertisers might try to mislead and scam users.